RequestTracker IPA

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Revision as of 15:12, 8 July 2012 by Natxo (Talk | contribs)

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Request Tracker (RT) is a one of the most used issue tracking systems.

RT is a modern Perl application, and as such it requires lots of CPAN libraries/modules. This is a feature.

We want to integrate RT inside our IPA kerberos/ldap realm to use RT without passwords in a true SSO integrated way.

RT supports three database backends: mySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. mySQL does not understand kerberos or ldap, Oracle is a nice database but not OpenSource, so we will stick to PostgreSQL.

As the web application server we will use apache2 with mod_auth_kerb and fastcgi.

The easiest way to install RT is to ignore the system's Perl and to use [perlbrew] and [cpanm]. This way we will avoid headaches about not working modules.


In my case, the IPA domain is IPA.ASENJO.NX. The server containing the kerberos kdc, ldap directory and DNS server is kdc.ipa.asenjo.nx.

  • The webserver does not necessarily have to be joined to the IPA domain but this guide assumes it is. Besides, why would you not want to use your centralized authentication/authorazation store? So go ahead and join the webserver to the IPA domain :-) (see joining clients to IPA domain

install a newer Perl with perlbrew

follow these instructions to install a newer Perl in /opt/perl5.

download RT

The latest RT release is always here. Copy the tarball to the webserver in case you cannot download it directly from the webserver where we will install RT.

unpack RT tarball

as root unpack the tarball somewhere. I usually do it in /root:

# tar xzvf rt.tar.gz

This gives us a new folder rt-4.0.6 (at the time of this writing, that was the latest production version). Browse to this new folder:

# cd rt-4.0.6

In this folder there is README file with plenty of info about new installations/upgrades. Please read it.