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Revision as of 21:44, 1 April 2015

mrepo is a rpm repository management tool. I know that today lots of folks are using pulp or cobbler or something else, but mrepo has worked great for us and it keeps working nicely.

Download the tar.bz file from http://dag.wiee.rs/home-made/mrepo/ and unpack it somewhere. Go the the folder where you unpacked it and run 'make' (install make if necessary).

That's it, mrepo it's installed :-)

Well, not quite; mrepo was written in the pre-centos 7 time, before systemctl. And provided I prefer to configure the mrepo data repositories in nfs exports so I do not run out of local disk space (just expand the nfs volume/dataset and done) and those exports are mounted using autofs, and autofs is started from systemd and not from chkconfig as the mrepo init script, stuff was not started properly.

So after making mrepo, we have a config file /etc/mrepo.conf and a dir /etc/mrepo.conf.d/ where we can drop our .conf files.

/etc/mrepo.conf, modify the srcdir directive to point to our nfs volume (no root_squashing):

### Configuration file for mrepo

### The [main] section allows to override mrepo's default settings
### The mrepo-example.conf gives an overview of all the possible settings
#srcdir = /var/mrepo
srcdir = /net/nfsserver/vol/mrepo
wwwdir = /var/www/mrepo
confdir = /etc/mrepo.conf.d
arch = i386
shareiso = yes
hardlink = no
lftpcmd = /usr/bin/lftp
lftp-exclude-debug = yes
lftp-exclude-srpm = yes
## Add extra options to lftp mirror command
lftp-mirror-options = -c

mailto = root@localhost
smtp-server = localhost

#rhnlogin = username:password

### Any other section is considered a definition for a distribution
### You can put distribution sections in /etc/mrepo.conf.d
### Examples can be found in the documentation.

# cat /etc/mrepo.conf.d/centos7.conf
name = CentOS $release ($arch)
release = 7.1
arch = x86_64
metadata = yum repomd
iso = CentOS-7-$arch-Everything-????.iso
updates = updates = http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7.1.1503/updates/$arch/Packages/

Download the Everything.iso from the centos mirrors and save it in in the nfs share in a new folder called 'iso'.

Create the target file for mrepo:

# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/mrepo.service
Description=mrepo distribution server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mrepo -q -c /etc/mrepo.conf


and enable the new service:

systemctl enable mrepo.service
systemctl start mrepo.service

After that you should see that the everything.iso is mounted from the nfs export in /var/www/mrepo/centos_version/disc1 and the srcdir volume in /net/nfsserver/vol/mrepo. Now you can start downloading the updates repo and generating the local repos. You probably need to install the createrepo package for this.

/usr/bin/mrepo -ugvv

The repos will be created in /net/nfsserver/vol/mrepo/centos7_1-x86_64, and this structure will be automatically created:

# ls -l centos7_1-x86_64/
total 117
drwxr-xr-x. 2 nobody nobody 302 Apr  1 18:36 updates

Where as in /var/www/mrepo we see this

# ls -l /var/www/mrepo/centos7_1-x86_64/
total 618
drwxr-xr-x. 8 root root   2048 Mar 27 23:36 disc1
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root     50 Mar 31 21:34 HEADER.shtml -> ../../../../usr/share/mrepo/html/HEADER.repo.shtml
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root     48 Mar 31 21:36 iso
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root     50 Mar 31 21:34 README.shtml -> ../../../../usr/share/mrepo/html/README.repo.shtml
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  20480 Apr  1 18:40 RPMS.all
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 462848 Mar 31 21:53 RPMS.os
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root  20480 Apr  1 18:40 RPMS.updates

And if we look inside the iso dir we see it's a symlink to the iso in the nfs volume:

# ls -l /var/www/mrepo/centos7_1-x86_64/iso/CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1503.iso

The rest of the dirs have also symlinks in there, so we

This can take a while, I usually run it from a screen session and go do something else.

We need to configure apache as well. The make command has been helpful and left a mrepo.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf.d. Review it. I needed to allow symlinks explicitly in it.

And finally, allow httpd to use an nfs mount in selinux:

setsebool -P httpd_use_nfs on

After that you should be able to go to http://your.ip/mrepo and see your centos7 repo. Now you can use that for your kickstart intallations.